The Main Ways People Maintain Comfort
Continuing on the theme of greatness or comfort from my previous post, I would like to point out the main vectors people have toward comfort. In my new book, I write extensively about the fundamental decisions people make in their early adulthood that, in effect, renounce their humanity and signify them giving up on growing… Continue reading
The Immediate Me, My
People who didn’t get enough love resources in childhood are difficult to enter into contract with. This is because they have what is frequently referred to as a “scarcity mindset”. They are used to being gypped by their parents and so they will not work with others collaboratively to attain common goals. They are more… Continue reading
When A Young Man Remains Unaffirmed
There is a problem particular to men these days where they prefer the path of least resistance, avoid any foundational change, and try to carry on in life nursing their age old addictions. The situation is made worse when a man chooses a woman who is corrupt and will normalize the man’s lack of spirit… Continue reading